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Re: inclusion of `hintview` into Debian

On Fri, 21 Jul 2023, Preuße, Hilmar wrote:

> > are there any plans to include Martin Ruckert's `hintview`
> > (https://hint.userweb.mwn.de/) into Debian?
> > 
> Currently not, but this may change.
> > Since the corresponding `hitex` is included in the actual TeXlive,
> > this would be great, of course. If not – what can I do to make that
> > happen? The program is released unter the GPL and creating Debian packages
> > of this program is not a big thing, but certainly, there are
> > higher hurdles.
> > 
> I'm not sure, what topic, you want to discuss here.

The "Hurdles" – at least for me – are Debian's formal procedures.
I'm neither a Maintainer nor I am able to go through the process described in 

And the second point are the files and name conventions in /usr/share/doc and 
the package description. It's simply a big new world for me.

> After downloading I created a draft Debian source package, but failed to build
> it:

Yes, Cmake does strange things. For example, it links the shared libaries 
as filenames to the `hintview` executable, instead of using well known options
like `-lGL -lGLEW`.

> My impression is that the program uses an outdated version of libglew and is
> not able to use more recent ones. At least the version in Debian is unusable.
> Martin started a new development on [2], but I don't have the impression, that
> this stuff is end user ready. 

After the TUG conference a few days ago I told Prof. Ruckert that I try to make 
hintview's use more userfriendly. As I said: once compiled the programm works 
(for me).

> Let me know, if you find a way to compile the program on Debian, then we may start packaging.

I hope MIMEdefang does not alter this link:: 


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