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Re: two issues: ssh and 2.2.9 kernel

"Ivan E. Moore II" <rkrusty@tdyc.com> writes:

> ssh-keygen seems to run like there's no tomorrow....and never get's anywhere.
> the .'s just get chuggin away.  I can't connect to another ssh server at all...

This is an ssh problem, I think, or ssh / libc interaction.  I don't
think it's 2.2.9 dependant since I get the same behavior on 2.2.5.
Could you file a bug?

> now..the 2.2.9 kernel seems to have the same load issue that I experienced with
> my own compiled version before.  The load average seems to jump through the roof
> for most applications.  Bring up dselect...get a 2.00 load average, bring up
> netscape 4-5 load average, etc....

Nope.... this seems to be confirmed by Steve also.  I get it in 2.2.9
and not 2.2.5.  Do we need to report it upstream to the sparc64 kernel

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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