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Re: distributions

over recent months ive played with corel linux 1.0, suse 6.3, caldera 2.3,
and more recently mandrake 7 ..all are pretty easy provided you install it
on supported hardware.. depends on what the newbie wants..i got a co
worker to go with suse6.3 and hes loving it..another newbie (linux newbie
not computer newbie) is running slackware..and is loving it..i threw corel
on another machine for another co worker havnet heard from him on his
comments yet.


On Mon, 17 Jan 2000 DanSV@aol.com wrote:

DanSV >What have you heard of the libranet distribution?  Is it pure debian?  A good 
DanSV >dist. for newbies, or should you just go with the debian dist?
DanSV >
DanSV >- Dan
DanSV >
DanSV >
DanSV >-- 
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DanSV >

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