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Perplexing mailman situation

Hi, I'm a bit new to Debian so forgive me if this is
a FAQ, but I installed mailman last night via apt-get
and everything seemed to be working beautifully
until I checked the machine this morning and discovered
the filesystem was ro.  The logs said that there was
an attempt to access beyond the end of /dev/hda1
so I ran e2fsck, fixed the errors and finally put the
drive back in rw.

Everything went smoothly until 12 hours later
the server started dying and I noticed the average load
had begun climbing through the roof.  A ps aux revealed
about 100 instances of /USR/CRON running!  Upon looking at
the logs I see alot of the following:

 Jan 17 18:35:00  /USR/SBIN/CRON[275]: (list) CMD (/usr/bin/python
Jan 17 18:38:00  /USR/SBIN/CRON[287]: (mail) CMD (  if [ -x
/usr/sbin/exim ]; th
en /usr/sbin/exim -q >/dev/null 2>&1; fi)
Jan 17 18:40:00  /USR/SBIN/CRON[314]: (root) CMD (test -f /proc/modules &&
/rmmod -a)
Jan 17 18:40:00  /USR/SBIN/CRON[315]: (list) CMD (/usr/bin/python
Jan 17 18:42:00  /USR/SBIN/CRON[321]: (list) CMD (/usr/bin/python

...and on and on.  It appears that some of these aren't exiting,
turning my box into a time bomb?  This has happened twice
now at 12 hour intervals.

Any and all help much appreciated,

-Mark (going back to look in /usr/lib/mailman/cron)

"I know everything we've done is absolutely right and proper"
                --Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on MSNBC, 01/13/00

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