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Re: how many users per apache proc?

thanks for all the replies ..i have a better idea ..sorta :) earlier i
caught my server with 18 active connections running on only 2 processes(18
idle servers) running Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 AuthMySQL/2.20
FrontPage/ ..i set it to start 20 servers, max 250 connections, and
ulimit is set to 125 processes.

im just curious cuz I approved one of my customer's requests to post
somethign to slashdot.org and i wanted to at least TRY to make sure my
machine doesnt crash if what he posts is approved by slashdot and mass
geeks swarm my server :) 


On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Onno >At 10:11 PM 1/19/00 -0800, aphro wrote:
Onno >>i was wondeirng if anyone knew approx how many connection 1 apache process
Onno >>could handle? just 1? or is it more..
Onno >
Onno >As far as I know just 1, they [apache team] are working on threaded
Onno >processes for increased performance while using less memory.
Onno >However they still plan to use a few processes so that if one
Onno >process dies with all it's threads not the whole webserver dies...
Onno >
Onno >Sounds realy good, you can read it on thier web site.
Onno >
Onno >Regards,
Onno >
Onno >Onno
Onno >
Onno >
Onno >
Onno >
Onno >-- 
Onno >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe debian-user-request@lists.debian.org < /dev/null
Onno >

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11:50pm up 153 days, 11:54, 3 users, load average: 1.17, 1.41, 1.55

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