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Re: mail confusion

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, paul wrote:

paul.w >
paul.w >FUDO2:/home/guest# sendmail -v paul
paul.w >hello
paul.w >.
paul.w >paul... Connecting to local...
paul.w >paul... Sent
paul.w >

chances are that the system just used the local delivery agent(in most
cases procmail) to deliver the mail..

paul.w >FUDO2:/home/guest# telnet smtp.freeisp.co.uk
paul.w >Trying
paul.w >Connected to smtp.freeisp.co.uk.

must use port 25 ..

paul.w >mail... Recipient names must be specified
paul.w >^]
paul.w >telnet> q
paul.w >Connection closed.

i dont know what MTA that is ... run dpkg -l | grep "mail transport" to
see what MTA(s) you have installed, if you want to use sendmail i suggest
removing the ones that you will not use then start sendmail with
/etc/init.d/sendmail start and try again..

paul.w >Does this mean that sendmail isn`t listening to port 25? If so where do I
paul.w >tell it to?

by default sendmail listens on port 25.  chances are you have another
pgoram on that port though. the debian distributions come with multiple
choices for mail transport agents, sendmail is by default not installed
unless you specifically chose it.

i dont have any experience configuring/debugging anything other then
sendmail incase you want to use something else.


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