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Re: Adelphia Powerlink and Debian

On Wed, Feb 16, 2000 at 12:48:40PM -0600, Phil Brutsche generated a stream of 1s and 0s:

Adelphia does that? I used to think you HAD to use dhcp client with
@Home, but found out later that simply setting your static IP address works
just fine. I think they run DHCP for convenience of wintendo users.

I had to give him Windows so that he can be assured
everything works. After that I went straight to Linux. I originally
thought that the only way to configure your machine is to use DHCP
client, since nothing worked with the settings they gave me. I was wrong
because I didn't have BCAST set correctly. It did take a long while to
figure out that they need hostname sent to the DHCP server. I wonder if
the IP addresses are really locked to the MAC address of the modem. BTW
does anyone know what exactly is that serial port on 3COM Cable Modem
CMX? I can't find absolutely any documentation anywhere, including their
website. Maybe it's possible to tweak it :)? Also I wish this modem
could be assigned an IP address just like ISDN routers are, but I don't
think it's an option.

>  * You need to install one of the available DHCP clients - I like to use
>    ISC's dhclient (that's the package dhcp-client in potato)
>  * You _do_ need to configure the dhcp client!  That's why I recommend
>    dhclient - dhcpcd doesn't have the configuration options you need (like
>    sending a specific hostname to the DHCP server - it's how they control
>    whether or not you can get on.  Don't ask me why).  That's what cable
>    modem providers where I am do.
>  * Try to have a Windows machine around - many times a tech needs to come
>    to configure your computer, and could easily refuse to do anything for
>    you if you don't have Windows.

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