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Re: Apt-get through proxy

> How do I instruct apt-get to use a proxy server instead of directly
> contacting the host?

There is an example on /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz.

I am also do that:

[22:41:07 /tmp]$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf
/* In some instances involving filenames it is possible to set the default
   directory when the path is evaluated. This means you can use relative
   paths within the sub scope.
   The configuration directives are specified in a tree with {} designating
   a subscope relative to the tag before the {}. You can further specify
   a subscope using scope notation eg,
     APT::Architecture "i386";
   This is prefixed with the current scope. Scope notation must be used
   if an option is specified on the command line with -o.

// Options for the downloading routines
  // HTTP method configuration
    Proxy "http://Proxy.israsrv.net.il:8080";;
    Timeout "120";

  // FTP method configuration
    Proxy "ftp://Proxy.israsrv.net.il:8080";;

    /* Required script to perform proxy login. This example should work
       for tisfwtk */
       "USER $(PROXY_USER)";
       "PASS $(PROXY_PASS)";
       "USER $(SITE_USER)@$(SITE):$(SITE_PORT)";
       "PASS $(SITE_PASS)";
    Timeout "120";
    /* Passive mode control, proxy, non-proxy and per-host. Pasv mode
       is prefered if possible */
    Passive "true";

   // Auto re-mounting of a readonly /usr
    Pre-Invoke {"mount -o remount,rw /usr";};
       "apt-cache dumpavail > /var/lib/dpkg/available";
       "mount -o remount,ro /usr";
// Pre-configure all packages before they are installed.
// (Automatically added by debconf.)
DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {"dpkg-preconfigure --apt";};

Shaul Karl		 		   shaulk@israsrv.net.il
	An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

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