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Re: ipchains

Here is a web page with info about most port numbers, which can be quite
helpful when setting up firewalls:

This site tries to have helpful guides that make more sense to non-geeks:

Here is a webpage for generating a script for ipfwadm that might be useful
for you:

I've been messing around with iptables myself and haven't been able to
find any resources for firewall newbs. I really shouldn't complain since
it's only in the development kernel (2.3.x) but I'd rather learn the
latest firewall tools since I'm ready to learn about firewalling now, if
that makes sense. Well, if anyone could point me to a site about iptables
that caters to those of us with IQs under 150, I'd appreciate it.  ;-j


* Chris Gray (cgray@nowonder.com) [000304 20:39] penned:
> Hi.
> This should be easy, but I just can't figure out how to do it.  All I
> want is to be able to set up a firewall where everything is disabled
> except that I can browse the internet and send/receive email.  I'm
> running some network stuff, but it does not need to be seen by anyone
> else but me.  I thought this would work:
> ipchains -P input DENY
> ipchains -A input -s localhost -j ACCEPT
> but now I can't browse on outside networks.  So I guess I need to run
> a proxy, right?  So I downloaded squid, and have it so that I can
> browse my local network, but it still can't get connections to outside
> networks.  
> Could someone please tell me why this isn't working?  Why does the
> outside net need to connect to my box so that I can browse?  If there
> is a web page that explains things at a little lower level than the
> howtos I'd appreciate that address as well.
> Cheers,
> Chris Gray
> P.S. Other (possibly less relevant) info:  for email I'm using
> fetchmail and exim.  For the kernel I'm using 2.2.14.  For browsing
> I'm using Netscape 4.7.
> -- 
> The reason that every major university maintains a department of
> mathematics is that it's cheaper than institutionalizing all those people.
> -- 
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