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Re: Midnight Commander without mouse?

Quoting David Densmore (dden@rollanet.org):
> No, I mean how do I INSTALL mc without a mouse?  libgpmg is a required
> package for mc, and if it is not present dpkg complains and won't install
> mc.  Since mc operates perfectly well without a mouse I can't imagine
> why this is so, but there it is.  I guess I could go ahead and install
> libgpmg even though there physically is no mouse present, but won't
> that create problems for libgpmg setup?

No. Go ahead and install gpm itself if you want. You can set it all up
without a mouse. One of the advantages of linux over windog.


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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