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RE: Can't unzip kernel 2.2.14

Or the other possibility is that lynx has saved the sources as 
linux-2.2.14.tar.gz and has ungzipped it without renaming it (or the 
opposit - called it linux-2.2.14.tar and its really a tar.gz file)

From: 	Ben Collins[SMTP:bcollins@debian.org]
Sent: 	Saturday, 25 March 2000 5:21 AM
To: 	Matheson
Cc: 	debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: 	Re: Can't unzip kernel 2.2.14

On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 10:13:32AM -0700, Matheson wrote:
> Hey,
> I keep downloading the kernel source (2.2.14) off of kernel.org (slink
> doesn't have the new kernel in it's package list), but I can't ever
> unzip it.  I've tried downloading it with lynx about five times, but
> when I try to save it, it gives me an end-request i/o error.  I've saved
> it to a couple different places on my hard-disk, so I know it's not all
> bad, but when I go to unzip the kernel, gzip gives me an stdin error:
> unexpected EOF.

Sounds like you don't really have the entire file downloaded. You should
really use an ftp client such as ncftp and lftp, which can resume
incomplete downloads.


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux 
`     bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bmc@visi.net 

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