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grip and cdparanoia, must run suid?

I installed grip, but I can't run in unless I am root
(sudo, or suid).  The error I get is 'can't access cd
rom drive'.  My /dev/scd1 is owned by root, group is
cdrom.  The drive is actually on /dev/hdc physically
but I am running scsi-ide emulation.  I also have a
'real' scsi cdrom that is /dev/scd0.  I added myself
to the cdrom group (edited /etc/group as root) and
logged out and back in as myself.  No joy, still can't
run grip or cdparanoia (actually it was cdparanoia
that issued the error message).  I did chmod +s on
cdparanoia and grip and then it worked.  But I should
be able to access the cdrom if I'm in the cdrom group?
 I can access my /dev/dsp device by adding myself to
the audio group (I don't think xmmm is suid, I can run
it as a user in the audio group).

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