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Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

On Wed, May 03, 2000 kvaughan@bc.cc.ca.us wrote: 

> The ALSA install put every module they support into there.  I modified
> /etc/modutils/alias to try both the ens1370 and ens1371 modules.  The 1370
> failed to detect anything. The 1371 did, but still no sound.

have a look at the ALSA FAQ at www.alsa-project.org. could it be that
you forgot to unmute and/or correct the volumes with the mixer? by
default everything is muted, afaik.

#####    Moritz Schulte  - <moritz@hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de>     #####
#####               Registered LINUX-User #13308               #####
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