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Typical System or Normal System Configuration


Some distributions of Linux such as Red Hat,
have a script file called "sysreport". This file when executed collects info
about the current version installed, the CPU(s) present on the system,
how memory is partitioned, etc.

One may run this utility and learn a lot about how the system is presently configured,
especially if the system crashes, or locks up,
or succumbs to abnormal behavior.

What provisions does Debian or earlier versions have to collect this
standard system info?

 I assume that you have some script or utility
to determine how  a system using the Debian OS, is configured?

Thanks in advance

-- paulc

Paul A. Courchene         Linux Wannabee          It said on the box, "Windows 95 or Better"
Tel: (978) 446-9166 ext: 258                      So I loaded Linux ...
Email: courchene@missioncriticallinux.com                                       anonymous
Home:  paulc@visual.mv.com

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