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Re: leafnode and Gnus

On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 10:18:57AM +0200, Stephan Engelke wrote:

> too.  I set the follwing variables in my ~/.gnus-file to use the local
> spool, rather than use nntp to localhost

Any particular reason not to use NNTP?

> Now when I start up, Gnus complains that it cannot find the active
> file.   I have been unable to find anything in the doc of leafnode
> where it puts the active file.  I am using the XEmacs 21.1.10 and the
> Gnus version which came with it.

Leafnode's nearest equivalent to an active file is
/var/spool/news/leaf.node/groupinfo, but it's not stored in the same
format as an active file so I'd be surprised if Gnus didn't barf on it.

You should probably use NNTP to read news - Leafnode isn't intended to
support anything else.

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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