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Re: help

Sorry, but I can't agree, windows is NOT a virus. You want to know why:
	- A virus is small
	- A virus is well-written
	- A virus operates efficently
	- A virus tries to stay out of the picture

Conclusion: windows is no virus, it's bug!!

Ron Rademaker

On Thu, 18 May 2000, John Bagdanoff wrote:

> On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 03:01:50AM -0700, steven wrote:
> > i dont know if you can help me but i got a 486 that i am installing windows into
> > i have upgraded the cdrom to a creative 40x and i can only setup 3.1 from my cd using a win98 bootdisk
> > it lets me install it and says close down to dos and type win to enter but it says invalad dos version
> take the win98 bootdisk out immediately & with the
> win98 cd put them in the nearest incinerator and allow
> them to burn at a high rate of tempurature for at least 20
> minutes.  This is a Known Virus.
>  Then go buy beg or steal a cd of linux (any distro will
>  do),
>  and install that.
>   fred
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