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Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

Ethan Benson wrote:

> On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 10:42:17AM +0200, Andreas Rabus wrote:

I've only been using Linux since Feb. , so at the local LUG I usually just
listen to the discussions and take in as much as I can. The people there (LUG)
are about 80% RedHat  users with the rest divided btw SuSe and Mandrake, to my
knowlege I'm the _only_  Debian user. When I querried the group about Debian
back in Feb. they all said it was "too hard","impossible to install",
"definately NOT for newbies" . "insert your derogitory remark here" . So, when
at the last meeting, people where buzzing about their personal trial and
tribulations upgrading to RH 6.2 and someone asked me what I did (with regard
to the upgrade ) and I told them:

                    "apt-get update"
                    "apt-get dist-upgrade"

and all those people who gave me kurt " I don't know I use RH" answers to my
questions in the past, and admonished me to install RH instead of working out
the "newbie blues" with Debian, just stood there slack-jawed, and I didn't say
a word.

Truly, the people of Debian are to be commended , their product is decidedly
first rate!


> >       - Hard to build. There is a large doc about this task , but it still
> > takes a long time to learn.
> so does system administration for *nix.  as it should be, learning
> takes time and is something no one should ever shy away from.
> while learning to admin NT is faster, you don't really end up learning
> to do much other then reboot and reinstall till it works.
> programming also takes time to learn, the more time you take to learn
> the better the results.
> the thing with RPM, while it may be easier for any monkey with a
> keyboard to make a .rpm, those .rpms often have about as much quality
> as you could expect from something made by a monkey.  when i used
> redhat i encounted many very broken .rpms, some of which literally
> damaged my system.
> personally i would prefer to build a package from source and install
> it in /usr/local/ then to get some easy to install but very broken
> .rpm made by someone who does not really have a clue how to properly
> build packages.
> I also believe that packaging systems lacking a unified, and certified
> set of developers (like the debian project itself is) to make policy
> compliant packages will continue to be the miserable mess that
> redhat.com/contrib/ is.
> IMO upstream authors should not be making .debs or .rpms unless they
> are prepared to truely learn how its done and make policy compliant
> packages, if they cannot or will not spend the time learning the art
> of packaging then they should leave it to someone who can.
> --
> Ethan Benson
> http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/
>    Part 1.2Type: application/pgp-signature

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