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RE: is there a gui frontend in X for dialing ppp?

> Wellllllll..."pon" and "poff", and let's not overlook "plog" _are_
> elegantly tiny and simple, _but_ since my ISP instituted 'idle-time
> disconnects' I don't always know whether I'm connected or not. A little
> on/off light thingie might be nice to check before doing an apt-get, a
> perl -MCPAN or a wget.
> AAMOF, since "pon's" man page is also elegantly tiny and simple, I have
> not found if or how it can be activated by an application yet.
> Anyone know? Then I could care less about a little light thingie.

One program you might try is GKrellM (it's what I use). You can get it at:
It's available as a Debian package (among other formats).

GKrellM displays system status such as CPU load, # of processes running,
disk acivity, and much, much more. It's very sharp looking and easy to
configure. For the ppp link, you just enter (in the configuration window)
the commands you'd use from the command line to open and close ppp
connections (such as pon and poff).


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