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Re: Java 1.2

On Wed, 31 May 2000, Mats Rynge wrote:
> I wonder what I have to do in order to be able to use Java 1.2 on my
> potato box. If I understand it right, I need glibc 2.1, which means that
> I have to go to unstable. I want to stay away from the unstable if
> possible.

>From the readme:
Also note that this version needs at least a glibc-2.1.2 based system
with a recent 2.2.xx kernel.  This build will not run with glibc-2.0
or glibc-2.1[.1].

What's the problem with unstable...? IMHO, it's stable.
> So, my question is: what is the simplest way for me to install and use
> Java 1.2 under potato? Is there any .debs out there? Do I have to do
> major system upgrades?

I don't know about JDK1.2.2 on potato (mine is frozen), but anyway...
I got the JDK from www.blackdown.org; the distribution is basically a
tarball. Installation is pretty simple:
cd /usr/lib
tar xvfz /your/download/dir/of/jdk*z

put JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk1.2.2 in /etc/profile

create links for the executables:
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /usr/lib/jdk1.2.2/bin/java java
                     ../bin/javac javac
                     ../bin/javap javap
(do the same for the other executables)

ps: of course, it's much more (unnecessary) complicated compared to: 
apt-get install jdk-1.2.2 :-)  

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