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mail spool dir perms

Very strange...  pine is not setgid mail, and the base package for 1.1 has 
the mail spool dir being drwxrwsr-x, so either this was a change or pine 
has suddenly become broken.  I don't know which (as per my previous 
message I have nuked permissions on my spool dirs).  I think it may be 
the latter, because the permissions for the spool dir are more compatible 
with a non-world-writable mail spool with sgid-mail mail binaries for 
locking after I nuked them (ie when I got to /var/spool/mail it was 
drwxr-sr-x), whereas for world-writable spool you usually have 
drwxrwxrwt...  I am confused now.  Mayhap I am missing something?

Ryan Smith-Roberts - rsr@citadel.fine.net | Linux - anything else
http://citadel.fine.net/ finger/www 4 PGP | Would be uncivilized!

Yow!  Thousands of years of ancient Chinese wisdom finally pays off!

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