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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

On Mon, 9 Jun 1997, George Bonser wrote:

> I have a system here with Caldera Open Linux Standard and one thing that
> they did was create a default fvwm popup menu when you click on the root
> window.  The first item in that window is "Help on Linux". Selecting that
> gives the next layer popup that includes links to such things as the woven
> docs (FAQ's, HOWTO's, etc in HTML) and launches a browser to read them. 
> Since Debian could not launch Netscape by default, they COULD launch lynx
> in an Xterm or possibly the new GUI linux browser when it is ready.  The
> point here is the default fvwm X configuration is VERY helpful allowing
> you to select things like configuration tools and the like from popup
> menus.  Root has different menus than the users do. (actually root has
> more ADDITIONS to the default systemwide selection).
> Seems to me the first step would be in deciding on a default standard X
> window manager and then going on to the default menus from there.

The problem with that is that the two commonest newbie questions are:

How do I get ppp working?


How do I get X working?

Keep in mind that most newbies won't know if it's a Debian or a Linux
or a GNU problem, so they'll probably ask here!

Also keep in mind that a newbie could quite easily stuff with dselect
on the first run, so they could easily have no ppp or X for a while,
even if a default configuration is provided.

I also find the idea of forcing the newbie into a particular X/Window
Manager configuration somewhat disturbing. One of the many reasons I
like Debian is that my PC looks like _my_ PC.

So far I like the mc approach best.

John Foster

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