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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

On Tue, 10 Jun 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> Our "menu" package already adds menus to _many_ different window managers,
> and to character-oriented shells as well. Our "dwww" package need only
> register a menu entry "Help with Linux", and it would appear. The biggest
> missing piece right now is that "menu" and "dwww" are not installed by
> default, and there should be an easy check box that gets the beginner a
> GUI-enabled system with them installed.

	I agree except that a GUI should be 'icing on the cake' and not a

What's nice about the dwww approach is that a local apache installs easily
and so does lynx. I did a 1.3 install yesterday and didn't have a clue as
to the mouse type and video card that would finally be in the system. The
apache/dwww/lynx combo doesn't need X. We should really encourage the
installation and use of these because the later transition from lynx to an
X-based browser is easy on the user.

Whereever it is safe to do so, this could be expanded on. A good example
is the CGI/perl scripts for common commands like 'who'. Why not start a
collection of these so the user can get some system information using the
same interface?

+ Paul Wade                         Greenbush Technologies Corporation +
+ mailto:paulwade@greenbush.com              http://www.greenbush.com/ +
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