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Disk usage and des-solnet client

If anyone is running the des-solnet daemon from non-us, be aware that you
should stop and restart it daily or you might find your disk space being
eaten up.

The problem is that it rolls the logs without stopping the program.  The
program continues writing to the rolled logfile UNTIL the housekeeping
daemon gzips the log file after rolling through to the second day.  gzip
will delete the old logfile but des-solnet still has the file open and is
writing to it.  This will result in the eventual usage of all available
space in /var/log while an ls will show no file taking up the obviously
used space. Stopping des-solnet should result in the file being closed and
the file emilinated freeing up the mystery space.

Just a heads-up for admins of systems that are left unattended.

George Bonser
grep@oriole.sbay.org, grep@concentric.net

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