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Re: 1.2 to 1.3 upgrade

Scott K. Ellis wrote:

> This is an indication that your libc5-dev package is out of sync with your
> libc5 package.  Finishing the upgrade will solve this problem.
> Just let the upgrade fix it, when you install the new libc5-dev package
> the link will be correct.
> Your LANG variable should be en_US

Thanks for the help.  I'm finishing the upgrade now, so I'll see how the rest goes.  

FYI, the first part of the upgrade included X and I was running dselect in an xterm window,
oops.  A bigger oops was answering YES to the "Can I shut down XDM to upgrade it"  But
I logged into a console window and finished off the upgrade.  The only real problem I encountered
was the Xserver file was replaced wiping out my -bpp 16 appendage.  Maybe the config script
could put the contents of the old Xserver file in the comment section at the top.  It's a pretty
small file so space really isn't a consideration.  Just a thought.

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"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

Rob MacWilliams   robmacw@cl-sys.com

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