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Re: PPP connection dying out

In message <[🔎] 01IL2IR7AR8Q001RBQ@plu.edu>, writes:
  >I sent this message out this morning but our backbone was down so I'm
  >pretty sure it didn't get out.  
It didn't get to me.

  >My PPP connection seems to be working well except that certain
  >things keep hanging it.  My dial-in works fine.  I can run ping or
  >telnet sessions for any amount of time without a problem.  Problems
  >occur with FTP and Netscape.
Is your sample sufficient for you to be able to say that this is not just
chance?  Do failures happen after any particular length of time? or are 
they at unpredictable times?

  >Even FTP works fine to connect to a site.  But when I download
  >a file it will work for awhile, then the whole PPP connection dies.
  >I downloaded a 132k file and it got to 120k and then all my 
  >connections died out.
  >The same thing happens with Netscape.  I can browse a couple
  >of sites, but eventually it dies too.  All of my connections freeze
  >up and netscape just keeps spinning as if it's still looking for 

When this kind of thing happens to me, it is because someone else is
trying to phone me on the line that the modem is using.  We have here
(UK) a facility called 'call waiting' which beeps gently to let you
know someone else is trying to ring you when you're aleady talking.
This upsets the modem sufficiently to make it drop the connection.
If your error logs show that the PPP connection is simply dropped, 
could something of this nature be the reason?

If your modem connection does not drop, then this cannot be the
problem, of course.

  >Then I have to go kill -9 all of my open internet sessions including
  >my PPP and I can't get a good dial-up again until I reboot the 
  >machine.  ppp.log doesn't seem to show any big error messages
Do you really have to use -9?  This is really the last resort.  You should
just kill (the default is -15) to give processes the chance to clean themselves
up; or does kill -15 not work?
Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                                  http://lfix.co.uk/oliver

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