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Re: major PPP packet loss

Casey Feskens wrote:
> Well, after several more hours of tinkering, I'm tracking down my 
> problem.  I changed the USR factory settings on my modem.  My 
> connection would still crash out.  So I let a ping session run for an 
> hour to see what happened.  Here is a sample of the results:
> So my connection isn't dropping completely.  I'm just losing an 
> insane amount of packets.  Any suggestions?

Try enabling kdebug 1 in your ppp config, and watch the log files. It'll
give lots of debugging info, and it might help you figure out what's going

I had this happen to me - my isdn modem started dropping large numbers of
packets. The kdebug ppp setting gave me enough ammunition to prove the
problem was my ISP's flakey modem..

see shy jo

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