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Re: nmh and mail spool permissions

On Sun, 27 Jul 1997 11:46:30 -0400, "Kevin M. Bealer" <kmb203@psu.edu> said:
> After looking at the "strace" I see [inc] is trying to create lockfiles
> in /var/spool/mail/ which is forbidden by the permission bits.  [...]
> what is the correct permissions for /var/spool/mail?

/var/spool/mail should be mode 3775 and owned by root.mail.  nmh's inc
program should be group mail set-gid and compiled with MAILGROUP defined.

slocal should not be set-gid mail because it was not written to be
set-gid.  Users who use slocal have to use an alternate mail drop
somewhere that they have write permission to.

Roderick Schertler

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