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Re: X-windows/Trio64/16 bit colours

x wrote:
> Please, is there someone here that has an Debian box, whith X-Windows
> (Xfree 3.3) and an Trio 64 video card, runing whith 16 bit colours?
> I ask becouse I have problems to work whith that configuration (in eight
> bit colours I have not problem) :the resolution go down very much and
> the screen flicker.

Problem is solved. Thanks by your help.

The problem is due to the frecuency that soport my video card. I retouch
XF86Config by hand y now works.

> Whith this configuration, but using RedHat 4.2, I don't have this
> problems and the system go OK.

   Yeah....I'm happy now...but in Redhat it works whith no
modifications. May be that in RedHat I used and RedHat program to setup
my X-windows.

But, I have another question: when I use 16 bit colors and an 800*600
resolution, I can't get virtual screen. Is there someone that can do it?
(Remeber: I have an Trio 64 whith 1Mb and I doubt that it can work whit
this configuration)......I have this problem before when I was RedHat
user :-).


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