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Re: what's the better mta?

>>"George" == George Bonser <grep@oriole.sbay.org> writes:

George> All that gibberish that you posted concerning rulesets is one
George> of the main reasons that I trashed sendmail after using for
George> about a year.

George> If I had a smtp only site, I would use exim.  The relay policy
George> is very clear and simple to configure. None of that
George> &@%#%^&$##$**** $*(&^#$# garbage that sendmail uses.

	You sound just like my wife, bless her heart. She advances
 equally cogent (near identical, in fact) arguments detailing to me
 exactly why Microsoft operating sytems are so much, much better than
 the garbage that Unix puts out. 

	To both of you, I say that there is a place for everything,
 and lots of people do prefer simplicity.

perl -wMMath::BigInt -e'$^V=new Math::BigInt+qq;$^F$^W783$[$%9889$^F47$|88768

Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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