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XF_S3 problem. was: Re: XF_S3V

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Maarten Boekhold wrote:

> Hi,
> not really the place to ask, but here it goes:
> does anybody have a diamond 3d 2400 4MB running at 1280x1024? If so,
> with what refresh-rate? The information on the diamond-site says no
> 1280x1024, XFree 3.3 says it does. Also, the listed refresh-rates on the
> diamond-site are low.

I guess this might be a good time to mention a problem that has plauged me
for a while.  I have a problem with the high 1280x1024 setting on my
Diamond Stealth Video 3400 card (IBM RGB 526 ramdac, the only one that
isn't supposed to auto-detect).  Everything just looks really bad, smeared
and shaky at the edges of the screen and windows.  The other settings
seem to be ok.  I have tried many different freq settings, including those
that came with the monitor or course.  I don't know if this problem is
related to the one above, but if anyone has an idea about how to fix it I
would like to hear it.

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