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Minimizing Mail Packages?

Hello All,

Connected intermittantly to internet using PPP to an ISP who uses POP3 for mail.  I am attempting to minimize the number of packages needed to run mail.  It seems there are many mail packages but not a great deal of information on there interrelationships.

Am running on X the following Debian mail-related packages :  exim, fetchmail, mh and exmh with subsidiary packages of metamail and mime-support.  I know one needs both mh and exmh to do mail processing if exmh is used.  Also POP3 support is needed for mail to and from the ISP.

Are exim and fetchmail also required?  Can one one just use mh and exmh by themselves to do all mail composing and handling as well as receiving and sending mail via POP3 to the ISP?

I tried mutt and think it's great for subsidiary usage.

Victor -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to debian-user-request@lists.debian.org . Trouble? e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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