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Re: We should help this guy...

 >    Kevin> Using RockRidge is the only way to write a Debian CD that I
>    Kevin> know about.
>Not if you just burn the msdos-i386 directory :) It has names for all
>the packages in 8.3 format.

Yeah, I thought of that too - *after* I had already downloaded the whole
binary-i386 directory tree....  <grin>

I decided against my two available options:

- download the whole msdos-i386 directory tree (via 33.6Kbps)
- rename all the files in binary-i386 to their msdos equivalents


Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
Kevin@Baan-BBS.CA  (604) 882-8169

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