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Re: Debian and Red Hat and Slackware prevalence

	I am using Linux (debian) for 6 month. I tried 1.1, 1.2 and now 1.3.
I choose Debian because a friend of mine told me it is the easiest 
distribution to upgrade. Since my friend knew debian a little bit than me
it was easier for me to install it. Now, I think this choice is very good.
Moreover, this newsgroup is very important.

	However, the installation process could be made a little easier for
newbies, especially with the dselect program. Dselect is really powerfull
but we have to know how to handle with it. Maybe, at the end of the 
installation rather that dselect it could have simple choices for newbies.
For example it could have:

	- Only base []
	- Xwindow   [] 
	- LateX     [] ...

	Maybe it could be a good idea to have a magazine publishing Debian CD.
I am in France and Debian is rather hard to get.

	There is no installation book as they exist with red-hat and slackware. 
It could be interesting to write one exclusively for Debian (more complete than
How-to). In this case I would agree to help translating it from english to 


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