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Re: metafont/dvips problem

Hello Oliver!  :)

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Oliver Elphick wrote:

> I installed MusixTeX from sunsite and tried to print the documentation.

BTW, there is now a MusiXTeX package for Debian.  :)  Check out
musixtex_t.75-2.deb in the unstable distribution!  :)  (It is still
sitting in master.debian.org incoming though, but you might be able to
find  musixtex_t.75-1.deb or musixtex_t.74-1.deb in:


So, make sure you give that a try!  (Shameless plug here... I was
the one who packaged it...  <grin>)

> I get the following error, and the document does not print. (Something goes
> to the printer, but nothing actually gets printed.):
>  $ dvips -A musixdoc.dvi
>  This is dvipsk 5.58f Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software
>  ' TeX output 1997.07.25:0901' -> |lpr
>  dvips: Checksum mismatch in font

I get the same error here (I think), but that should be pretty harmless.
The Checksum mismatch error message happens with the mflogo font, which is
simply the font used to display the "METAFONT" logo.

BTW, I recommend that you modify the configuration of dvips.  Personally,
I find it much easier to use dvips to convert musixdoc.dvi to musixdoc.ps
and then use GV to preview the file before printing it.  Also, GV lets you
print selected pages (print all odd pages, print all even pages, etc.) so
you don't have to play with the options with dvips.  :)

> If I delete the pk file mentioned in the error message, the same thing
> continues to happen.  It also happens with xdvi, which shows:
>  Checksum mismatch (dvi = 3369601584, pk = 4170477374) in font file  
>  /var/spool/texmf/pk/ljfour/public/mflogo/logo10.720pk
>  Note:  overstrike characters may be incorrect.
> Can anyone tell me what is causing this error and how to cure it?

Hmm... can you see *anything* on your page?  Do you mean all you see is a
blank page?  Can you see the text?  Can you see the music notes?

I am using Debian's teTeX and MusiXTeX packages here, and everything
works well here.  :)


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling            foka@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Civil Engineering                http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/
University of Alberta, Canada    Keep smiling!  *^_^*

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