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Re: Minimizing Mail Packaages? now solved!

Victor Torrico wrote:

> Hello All, 
> "Connected intermittantly to internet using PPP to an ISP who uses POP3 for mail.  I am attempting to minimize the number of packages needed to run mail.  It seems there are many mail packages but not a great deal of information on their interrelationships."

Hello Again,

Many thanks for the kind replies from Adrian, Buddha, Dima and Igor. 
It's so helpful to have people available that have the knowledge and
 information one needs.  I appreciate your time and effort.

Yes Igor, I turned off html in my outgoing messages.  Please advise if
there is still a problem there.

Well, it turns out that there is a new POP3 compliant X package that
does everything I need to do: fetches POP3 messages from the ISP, sends
outgoing messages, makes user-defined folders, uses a really neat mail
reader, composes outgoing messages, is eminently configurable, plus does
other stuff that I'm exploring.  The executable is a static binary. 

What I like is that it is one package and does not require other
supporting packages.  It's currently in beta but seems to be fairly
stable.  This is a work-in-progress with other features to be added.

Anyhow, it's called XCmail and is available from sunsite.  The file name
is XCmail-0.9-Linux-bin.tar.gz.  I don't know if the authors would agree
to GNU licensing or not.

I stuck it in /usr/local/xcmail with a soft link to the /usr/X11R6/bin
directory for executing it.

--- Victor

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