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Re: Info(no)Magic April CDROM

On Jul 31, Joost Kooij wrote:
> Jeff Noxon wrote:
> > 
> > Shouldn't we provide a script to CD manufacturers so they can verify
> > the Packages files against what they actually have on their mirror?
> Starting with debian 1.3 there are special images available for cd 
> resellers. They only have to fetch _huge_ file and put that on the cd's.

That's fine, but CD manufacturers wanting to squeeze the last bit of
information onto their CDs are not going to use these official images.
It looks like Infomagic is one of them.

I burned my own binary CD with bo, non-free, contrib, and non-US.
Even with all of that stuff, it was under 500MB.  That leaves 150MB for
other stuff...


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