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Re: mail encrypting/pgp

On Thu, 31 Jul 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> I noticed that almost everyone on this list uses pgp.. I installed the
> debian package and I'm wondering how do auto-encrypt/decrypt all my mail.
> I use pine (pinepgp package) and netscape communicator 4.01b6

Don't know how to do it in netscape but for pine, given you also have
pinepgp installed, read the README.debian in /usr/doc/pinepgp and
"add the following line to your "display-filters" section of your

_BEGINNING("-----BEGIN PGP")_ /usr/lib/pinepgp/check _TMPFILE_ _RESULTFILE_

if you want to check sigs (do this by editing .pinerc or using the config
option in the main menu of pine

and for outgoing mail,add the following lines to your "sending-filters" 
section of your configuration: 

  /usr/lib/pinepgp/auto _TMPFILE_ _RECIPIENTS_
  /usr/lib/pinepgp/sign _TMPFILE_
  /usr/lib/pinepgp/crypt _TMPFILE_ _RECIPIENTS_

You might also consider enabling the "compose-send-offers-first-filter"

Then when you send a message, you will be prompted for which filter you
would like to use.

	  Colin R. Telmer, Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
	    School of Policy Studies Building, Queen's University
		     Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L-3N6
	      (613)545-6000x4219   telmerco@qed.econ.queensu.ca
	   PGP Public Key at <URL:http://terrapin.econ.queensu.ca>

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