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Re: DNS Problem

On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Kevin Traas wrote:

: I've just had a client contact me.  Their getting the following in
: /var/log/messages:
:     Dec  2 12:47:16 inetgw named[140]: "axionet.com IN MX" points to a CNAME
: (mail.axionet.com)
:     Dec  2 12:47:16 inetgw named[140]: "axionet.com IN MX" points to a CNAME
: (smtp.axionet.com)
:     Oh, and axionet.com is *not* their DN.
:     Later,
:     Kevin Traas

In this case it simply means that someone is sending mail _from_ their
domain _to_ axionet.com ... and those folks have their DNS screwed
(well, not according to spec, anyway)

I see a lot of this when our users send mail to AOL, who believe it or
not point their MX records to CNAMEs ...

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
phone: (605) 334-4454 fax: (605) 335-1173
mailto://nnorman@midco.net http://www.midco.net
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