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Re: SCSI Drives

I would second this, I have about 10 IBM drives between all the servers
that I admin. They run nice and cool. Yes, running cool is a feature that
I look for. It indicates to me that the drive was well designed.


 On Wed, 3 Dec 1997, Thomas Baetzler wrote:

> Luis Francisco Gonzalez wrote:
> > my hard disk is getting too small (or rather debian is growing...) and it's
> > time to get a new SCSI disk. Could people share with me their experiences as
> > to what disks were reliable and fast?
> Cheap, reliable, fast. You know you can have only two of those three at
> most, right? :-) Personally, I've had good experiences with the IBM
> DORS 32160 - 2Gig, not too slow, very reliable. I have two in my box
> here at home, and another two in a box at work.
> Bye,
> -- 
> Thomas Baetzler, thb@regioservice.de, thb@spectre.ka.sub.org
>    <A HREF="http://home.pages.de/~thb/";>thb's Homepage</A>
> --
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