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undeletable file


I remember seeing something about this on the list awhile back,
but I haven't been able to find it in the archives.

I have a file that has somehow been commandeered by an undefined
group, and I can't seem to remove, move, or change its ownership:

leisure# ls -l fstobdf
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     65535       29640 Oct 17 23:58 fstobdf
rm: remove `fstobdf', overriding mode 0755? y
rm: fstobdf: Operation not permitted
leisure# chown root.root fstobdf
chown: fstobdf: Operation not permitted
leisure# rm fstobdf
leisure# mv fstobdf fstobdf.1
mv: cannot move `fstobdf' to `fstobdf.1': Operation not permitted

I have no idea how the file's ownership got this way, or how to
remove it.  I haven't tried going to single-user mode yet; I'm on
a remote connection to this box.

Any suggestions?



  Ken Lauffenburger          / /                    __  __
  ken@efficient.com         / /  D e b i a n  G N U \ \/ /
                           / /     __  ____   __  __ \  /
                          / /     / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
  ...Look out Bill,      / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
     here comes...      (______)(_/ (_/ (_/ \____/ (_/  \_)

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