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Re: Philosophical question

I upgrade weekly.  Since the ftp method in deselect makes this painless,
it is no trouble at all.  Going from bo to hamm is likely to be a problem
for some and WILL be a major source of traffic on this list but as far as 
incremental upgrades within a major release, weekly is fine for me.  It
actually makes it EASIER because only a few packages are installed
per week vs. dozens of packages if it is put off for several weeks.

I also have one system running unstable that I pull the package list for
and upgrade almost daily since hamm seems to be still very dynamic.

On 4 Dec 1997, Larry G. Gariepy Jr. wrote:

> I hope I don't sound heretical:  I imagine that a lot of people like Linux for
> the fact that there is something new to try every week or two. :) (or more
> often?)  But practically, how often do people think it is worth the trouble to
> upgrade major software components?  Every six months?  Every year?
> Thanks in advance for your (humble) opinions :)
> Larry Gariepy
> gariepy@dartmouth.edu
> Disclaimer:  The views expressed in my opinions are not necessarily my own.
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