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Re: Cyrix MediaGX system + Debian ???

On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:

> Hi, All
> there are new wave of cheap
> i86 systems based on Cyrix
> MediaGX chip with integrated
> video and sound (and Ethernet in the future).
> The price makes it quite attractive as 
> X terminal and such.
	I had this same thought, so at work we picked up 2 of 'em.  The
VGA server worked fine, but other than that we didn't have much luck.
Our main interest was the built-in TV/RF out on the back, but
unfortuanatly it's crap with X.  So I gave up and turned them into
ip_masq/diald boxes for some of our customers.  For this they work

> Is such system Debian Compatible?
	100% haven't had a problem yet.

> What about video? It's UMA
> system - it takes 2M out
> of system memory but still
> 14M left and it's quite
> enough for kernel and
> X server.
	If you get 'em to run X decently, please tell me :>  I just didn't
have time or desire to put the effort in.
		good luck,

Micro$oft, what do you want to spend today?

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