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Re: Need help in X Windows installation

whoops, this should have gone to the list too.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> > >It is NOT necessary for the last command to be started with exec. In
> > >fact, exec should only be used on the window manager, and only if that 
> > >is the last command in .xinitrc. The problem is more likely the use of
> > >&'s. Every program started in .xinitrc should have & appended EXCEPT
> > >the window manager. 

Doesn't a /bin/sh stick around if you don't use exec? Or did that change
at some point? I think I put exec in my .xsession before the windowmanager
when I first installed debian (buzz) to make the /bin/sh go away, and it's
been there ever since. 


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