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sendmail, root, and "the man"


My isp is complaining about my "sender:" header lines in my emails:
> Please don't send email until you have your system set up properly.
> Your return address is still wrong and undeliverable:
>	 David Stern <kotsya@mailhost1.cac.washington.edu>
> You are not on "mailhost1.cac.washington.edu".

In exmh my From: looks perfect:
	From: David Stern <kotsya@u.washington.edu>

However, my isp authorities use Pine (it's their product), and in Pine:
	From: David Stern <kotsya@mailhost2.cac.washington.edu>

Apparently Pine looks to the "sender:" line, exmh to the "From:" line 
to get the displayed "From:".  Both actually work, but mailhostX.cac is 
wrong.  The wrong hostname is probably derived from my smtp server 
mailhost.u.washington.edu (expanded by canonization, I presume?).

After some reading of docs, faqs, tutorials and other sendmail 
resources, and some experimentation, I got my hostname 
localhost.localdomain to masquerade as u.washington.edu by running 
sendmailconfig, and restarting sendmail after editing 
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf to read:
	# class E: names that should be exposed as from this host, even 		if 
we masquerade
	CE root root@localhost root@localhost.localdomain

This works with one big exception: mail to root must first go to the 
smtp server.  My isp is unhappy with me about a uucp report which was 
generated when my root installed uucp which generated a report that 
made it to them, so I must have it so that there is NO possibility for 
mail destined for my root to go anywhere but on my box.  I don't really 
want mail destined for my root going out to my smtp server, anyway.

I don't know what I need to do.  Does this sound reasonably feasible?
Would somebody please give me a clue about what I need to do to get 
this to work?  I haven't decided to stick with sendmail yet, so the 
"Bat" book (O'Reilly) will have to wait a little bit.

David Stern

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