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VC problems

I tried to create more ttys for virtual consoles (/dev/tty9, /dev/tty10 ...)
the other day with /dev/MAKEDEV. In the process of doing this and 
experimenting with open I managed to make a mess of my system. The command 
"startx" no longer works when run as a normal user. XDM and startx as root
work, so I think the problem is with tty permissions. The startx thing 
isn't very crucial as I prefer XDM but still I'd like to know how to make
startx and things such as open zsh (to get shell in a new VC) or 
open abuse.console (to vent my frustrations) work correctly without being 
logged in as root.  

What are the correct permissions, owner, group and other attributes for
virtual console ttys with no getty if I want use them as a normal user with
"open" command e.g. "open zsh" or "open abuse.console" and for startx?

My hardware is a 486 with Quadtel/ASI Trident 9400Cxi VLB display adapter
and I'm running hamm (nearly the newest packages) with kernel 2.0.32.

Thanks in advance,


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