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strange kernel error messages


I just noticed that my Debian Linux 2.0.32 box has some 'unreliable'
behaviour, some programs are crashing more and more often with the
well-known 'segmentation fault' message.

The messages in /var/log/kern.log are actually harmful, I think (I
stripped the time in the following log):

kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address
kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 017a4000,  r3 = 017a4000 
kernel: *pde = 00000000 
kernel: Oops: 0002 
kernel: CPU:    0 
kernel: EIP:    0010:[save_i387+45/148] 
kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246 
kernel: eax: 017c2018   ebx: bffffc60   ecx: 0121dfbc   edx: bffffce0 
kernel: esi: 0121dfbc   edi: 0000001c   ebp: 01979dc0   esp: 0121df4c 
kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018 
kernel: Process dselect (pid: 300, process nr: 23, stackpage=0121d000) 
kernel: Stack: bffffbe0 0121dfbc 0000001c 0010a51e bffffc60 01979dc0
0000001c ffffffff  
kernel:        00000000 0010a5ea 01979dc0 0121dfbc 0000001c 00000000
0000001c 0121dfbc  
kernel:        0010a84d 0000001c 01979dc0 00000000 0121dfbc 00000000
0814175c 08141648  
kernel: Call Trace: [setup_frame+266/380] [handle_signal+90/144]
[do_signal+557/632] [signal_return+18/56]  
kernel: Code: dd b0 14 03 00 00 c7 05 a4 a9 23 00 00 00 00 00 9b 0f 20

[ and some minutes later ]

kernel: general protection: 0000 
kernel: CPU:    0 
kernel: EIP:    0010:[save_i387+45/148] 
kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246 
kernel: eax: 00ba9018   ebx: bffff598   ecx: 01422fbc   edx: bffff618 
kernel: esi: 01422fbc   edi: 0000001d   ebp: 005eb1dc   esp: 01422f4c 
kernel: ds: 0018   es: 0018   fs: 002b   gs: 002b   ss: 0018 
kernel: Process emacs (pid: 839, process nr: 40, stackpage=01422000) 
kernel: Stack: bffff518 01422fbc 0000001d 0010a51e bffff598 005eb1dc
0000001d ffffffff  
kernel:        00000000 0010a5ea 005eb1dc 01422fbc 0000001d 00000000
0000001d 01422fbc  
kernel:        0010a84d 0000001d 005eb1dc 00000000 01422fbc 00000000
00000000 bffff684  
kernel: Call Trace: [setup_frame+266/380] [handle_signal+90/144]
[do_signal+557/632] [signal_return+18/56]  
kernel: Code: dd b0 14 03 00 00 c7 05 a4 a9 23 00 00 00 00 00 9b 0f 20

I suspect an hardware problem, because all is working as expected if the
system remains several hours power-off; but after 15-30 minutes, the
program are crashing again.

My configuration is a Pentium 200, running Debian/Linux 2.0.32 with
latest "hamm" packages; I have another P200 with the same software and
hardware configuration ... that never crashes; that's why I suspect an
hardware defect.

Has anybody already seen this kind of problem?  Can somebody give me
some clues about what is the most probable cause of such "general
protection" or "unable to handle kernel paging request" errors ? CPU,
RAM, swap partitions ? Thanks in advance for any answer.

Alain Nissen
 _________  ************************************************
| | |  _| | * Alain Nissen - Unix System Management - SEGI *
| | | | | | * University of Liege, B-4000 Liege (Belgium)  *
| | |___| | * Phone: (+32)-4-3664929  Fax: (+32)-4-3662920 *
| \_____/ | *        E-mail: Alain.Nissen@ulg.ac.be        *
\_________/ ************************************************

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