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paths and su

As a recent Debian convert (from Red Hat) I am finding myself a bit
disoriented at times... my latest question concerns su and paths. When
I su to root my path does not end up being what I expect it too and I
can't figure out exactly what is setting it. I have edited
/etc/login.defs to be certain that _that_ is not what is doing it. Here
are the details:

su to root path in login.defs:  


however when I su to root I get a path like this...


I am not modifying the path in any environment files such as
.bash_profile -- what is resetting my path?? 

Of course, when I use su - or su -l the path is fine (actually, it is
the normal full path I set for root) but then the shell has no knowledge
of the value of DISPLAY. It is a pain to have to set the DISPLAY
variable each time I want to run an X program...

Please help...

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