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Merry Christmas,

Recently I had a fairly serious and complex problem which I tracked 
down through a process of elimination.  I narrowed it down to my window 
manager, and then on the suspicion that I may have had file corruption 
due to a number of power outages which occurred shortly before the 
problem initially struck, I reinstalled my window manager and copied 
back my configuration file, and the problem appears to be fixed.

Is a UPS good protection or is it "fluff"? I mostly get a lot of 
surges, a number of outages, and some lightning.  Currently I have a 
heavy duty surge suppressor, and my system is a standalone workstation.

Are there any Linux UPS resources out there other than the HOWTO ? I'd 
like to find out which models have "intelligent" UPS features working 
with Linux, and which models ship with prefabricated RS-232 cables for 

David Stern


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