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Re: How do I use the source package disributions?

On Thu, Dec 25, 1997 at 08:30:05PM -0500, Stan Brown wrote:
> 	Sounds liek a stupid question I know. First the reason. I am trying to
> 	get amanda to work on my debian box. I am still on bo and there is no
> 	.deb binary, so I think simple i'll just grab the hamm source stuff.
> 	I found the .orig file and a .diff file. I thought I could just untar
> 	the .orig, and then pun pathch < from the .diff file. But this results
> 	in lot's of files in the directory I am working dorm, and not in the
> 	appropriate subdirectories.
> 	What am I doing wrong?

Please read the file source-unpack.txt which is put in the doc directory
of our ftp server.  It tells you to use either dpkg-source and shows
you the appropriate set of commands you have to enter if you're unpacking
the source manually.

You have to use "patch -p0" and create the debian subdirectory
before applying the patch.



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                                     http://home.pages.de/~joey/
/  VFS: no free i-nodes, contact Linus  -- finlandia, Feb '94   /

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