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afterstep config file in /tmp

Recently we have started having a problem with temporary files created 
by afterstep and then not deleted.

What happens is that a user starts afterstep and it creates a
/tmp/steprcXXXX file, containing their current setup. The permissions
are set according to the user's umask. Sometimes, when the user leaves 
afterstep this temporary file is not removed, so when the next
afterstep user comes along it will try to use the temporary file in
preference to their own setup. Worse, if the first user's umask was
such that the next user does not have read permission, afterstep will
fail to start.

For other users, this does not happen. And once upon a time it didn't
happen for anybody.

Does anybody have any idea what causes the steprcXXXX not to be deleted
for some users? I suspect something in the personal setup files (this
is a student lab, and once somebody gets a nice looking setup it tends 
to be copied around), but since I am not an afterstep user I haven't
been able to spot anything untoward in the .steprc files concerned. 

The afterstep man page and FAQ do not mention the use of this
temporary file at all.

  Gilbert Laycock                 email:          gtl1@mcs.le.ac.uk
  Maths and Computer Science,     http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~glaycock
  Leicester University            phone:         (+44) 116 252 3902

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